String method problem
How can I solve this exercise? I ask user to enter a string and I have to show It separated by ("-") using any String method in a simple way. E.g. user enters Hello World and I show It as H-e-l-l-o-W-o-r-ld
9 Réponses
+ 6
One way to do it,
str="Hello World"
str=str.replace(/ /g,"")
replace method with regex / /g will find all ocuurences of space and remove them
Then you can spread string into an Array of characters, (...is a spread operator for expanding an iterable into individual elements and yes string is an iterable as it is an array of characters in actual)
After that use join method
+ 5
Hi,Mention the language name in tags
+ 4
Another way to do,
let str = "Houston we have a problem ...";
console .log(str.replace(/ /g, "").split("").join("-"))
+ 3
You can try and use the string method replaceAll()
+ 1
There's no another easiest way to do It? Not using regex
+ 1
Another way to do,
let str = "Houston we have a problem ...";
console .log(str.replace(" ", "").split("").join("-"))
+ 1
Your output example shows that spaces between words are to be removed. But when I tried to replace spaces with blanks without regex, only one of the spaces were removed. The rest of the spaces remained.
If you don't mind the spaces, then no regex needed, just use `replace`, `split` and `join`method.
Javascript ,I forgot to mention that
Ok,I will try that guys,thx