+ 10
Code Playground.
Are the codes we posting in code playground seen by others I really doubt. They do not get enough likes as they should. I have seen some people's code which are really great and they don't get 10 likes. Even some of my codes don't have enough likes. I saw Baraa AB's and aditya's codes some of them are well written. Same for some codes of many other coders. I think our codes get lost in the simple programs that are posted by others. many are posting their hello world program's they are more than any.
5 odpowiedzi
+ 5
actually i don't know what should i say..
u r very kind and polite..
i write 21 codes..
15 in html , css , js and the another in other language..
most code get like is 26 only..
actually i think i will get more than 100..
but no one appreciate my codes..
aditya have a lot of amazing codes...
and u have amazing code also..
but the problem no one press like..
i know the goal of learn programming in sololearn and post codes not the likes..
but when anyone get likes to his hard write code he will encourageto post more..
thanks for ur kind and for ur amazing says..
+ 3
yes it is not all about badges XP and likes. They just have value on sololearn and no great importance at any place but when you work especially hard you will be motivated to work if someone appreciates your code.
+ 2
I think this is beacause sololearn arranges codes by number of likes and thus the code somone writes doesn't appear to others beacause at first it doesn't have any like! and just you should change the arrange to most recent to view latest codes.
+ 1
Yes, the codes are seen by others. Just make sure when you save, its set to public or else youll wait for likes forever. But just know that it shouldn't be about likes.... yeah you get badges and all but the point of this is to learn. The like button is just a privilege. And an option.
that what i want to say..