+ 2
Can someone explain to me what we mean by the boolean and his value true or false and when we use the boolean
4 odpowiedzi
+ 4
Boolean is basically the answer to a yes or no question. For instance, if you’re making a game and have a Boolean isJumping, you’re asking if the character is jumping. If it’s true, he is jumping and if it’s false, he’s not
+ 2
boolean is a data type in java.
it can have a true or false value.
you can use it in evaluation of questions answerable by true/false, yes/no...
thank you so much
Boolean Logic
Boolean logic is used to make more complicated conditions for if statements that rely on more than one condition.
Python's Boolean operators are and, or, and not.
The and operator takes two arguments, and evaluates as True if, and only if, both of its arguments are True. Otherwise, it evaluates to False.