Help interprete this c# code
I'm trying to export from excel to database... However during the data validate, I have this code Form2.< button4_Click > o__SiteContainer0.<> p__Site3b == null) { } Can someone interprete this code for me, and why is the <> underlined as error... Thanks
4 odpowiedzi
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Here is the complete code.... Note the form name is Assessment
Apr 19 2018 10:13 AM
if (Assessments.< button4_Click > o__SiteContainer0.<> p__Site3b == null)
Type type8 = typeof(Assessments);
cSharpArgumentInfoArray = new CSharpArgumentInfo[] { CSharpArgumentInfo.Create(CSharpArgumentInfoFlags.None, null), CSharpArgumentInfo.Create(CSharpArgumentInfoFlags.None, null) };
Assessments.< button4_Click > o__SiteContainer0.<> p__Site3b = CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, object, object>>.Create(Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Binder.BinaryOperation(CSharpBinderFlags.BinaryOperationLogical, ExpressionType.And, type8, cSharpArgumentInfoArray));
!0 target20 = Assessments.< button4_Click > o__SiteContainer0.<> p__Site3b.Target;
CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, object, object>> u003cu003ep_Site3b = Assessments.< button4_Click > o__SiteContainer0.<> p__Site3b;
object obj17 = target;
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I have the feeling this is not the complete code
Can be a generic type like <int>
but I would not expect button4_Click to be generic
Can be "not equal to" although I think in c# this would be the operator "!="
Although I think only Delphi and Sql use "<>" as not equal to.
I also do not understand why the is a point betwee SiteConainer0 and <>
The line has to less information to help you
This this a method definition or method call ?
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The button click event is to validate excel file Content and upload it to database, it also creates array of error for incorrect excel file entry
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Thank you for the code.
Sorry to say but I do not understand it.
Assessments.< button4_Click > //this does not look like valid c#
o__SiteContainer0.<> //this does not like valid c# to me
!0 target20 = //I do not know a variable type !0
If anyone recognizes the code or can explain waht is happening, i like to know.