Can someone explain to me why this doesn't work?
8 odpowiedzi
+ 2
Will there are so many errors.. I have commented what changes I have done into below code :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Age Evaluater
int main() {
int age;
cin >> age; // it should not be << operator with cin
//return 0;
//if return is there, next code doesnot get executed
if (age <= 17)// braket for condition
printf("Sorry, you need to be 18 years or older");//1.semicolon for statement end 2. its string not character...so, ' ' is replaced with "" 3. print is not there..printf is used
else if (age >= 18) //bracket and elif should be else if
printf("Welcome! Sign up or log in here: ");// semicolon and "" instead of '' Nd printf
return 0;//added here
}// added here
Feel free to ask if you have any questions in updated code
+ 2
Will ..np... different languages have different syntax..u will be familiar to it soon... happy learning..
+ 2
Will refer below changes to be done:
1. entry point is int main()...so, it must have it... post int Main () , your entire code should be enclosed within {}... so, add these two it...
2. cout << endl should be there... so, instead of +endl, do it like << endl in both if and else..
feel free to ask for any clarification
+ 2
perfect now Will ...it works fine...
just do mention return 0 ; as second last line just before }..
return 0 indicate that your entire code worked fine and there is no error fro m code execution.people returns negative values to indicate some failure of code like file access etc
+ 1
Ketan Lalcheta Thanks again! It seems to be working now. Would you mind just checking it one last time just in case? Thanks.
+ 1
you only have to add return 0 ...
everything is fine
Ketan Lalcheta Thanks so much, I am thinking in Python and JavaScript!
Ketan Lalcheta I fixed it up a little but it is still not working. Can you show me my errors please?