Why java is best programing language nowadays?
3 odpowiedzi
+ 1
Best is relative. I would not say that it's the best. It's one of the bests. But it's kinda getting retired for Python
Java is popular.
Because colleges like to include it as the primary programming language in their curricula.
Then those people (students) try to get jobs.
Then companies like to pick programmers from large candidate pools.
When the supply of labor (with the same skill set) is high, employers can pay less for more.
Then some of them go into management.
Because they moved up in an environment that was saturated with Java developers, they didn't need to retool very often, which creates a comfort zone.
Then they manage and hire from that comfort zone.
And that is why Java continues to carry on as it does to this day.
It could have happened to any language, but it just so happened to happen to Java.
My opinion.
More likely, it's due to the fact that Java was huuugely popular in its heyday and has many external libraries and frameworks for accomplishing many tasks because it was worked on so ubiquitously. Other languages are now very popular and versatile too, and built for purpose, but the wealth and quality of third party libraries is a big plus in the industry. Java is still the most popular language around, but not my much (whereas before we're talking an undisputed majority share).
Most computer science courses don't do a lot of programming (very common misconception) so most grads know the syntax and how to do a handful of programs. Those who do it in their own time and build their own things are the ones who are successful, and things like python, JS, C++ seem to be more common in that area, rather than Java in my experience