+ 4

I want to be a app maker after complete the C++ course from solo learn Can I make my own app by C++ programming?

Only sololearn course

8th Dec 2018, 7:48 AM
Sm Developer
Sm Developer - avatar
21 odpowiedzi
+ 13
No way in hell,you'll have to go pretty deep into c++ before you can make an app.. Use the following,then you'll be able to write apps.. -Professional C++ 2nd edition -Hands on GUI programming with QT5 ........... The two books above will make you a better C++ programmer..After the C++ coarse on SL,read Professional C++...Its 985 pages long,all you need to know to master C++ is covered..When you feel confident enough then read the second book,It will teach you how to make cross platform C++ apps... They are free to download at -allitebooks.net
8th Dec 2018, 8:04 AM
Mensch - avatar
+ 7
If you don't prefer "Professional C++" then read "Beginning C++17"..Its pretty new...
8th Dec 2018, 8:08 AM
Mensch - avatar
+ 6
†yran† I don't fully agree with your approach. Just reading books will never make you a better programmer, no matter who wrote it or what it describes. You might get the basics, but understanding the more difficult concepts will be pretty much impossible. For someone to evolve, he needs practice. Saad Mughal If you want to improve, you shouldn't only read books. You should try to think what the new thing you learned could be used for and try to come up with some small codes where you implement them. Try to base your new codes on the codes you already made. After you understand more, look at some cool C++ projects and try to think how you would go about making that, but only think on a theoretical level, because you're most likely looking at what tens of people have achieved over the course of several years.
8th Dec 2018, 10:35 AM
Alexandru Turculet
Alexandru Turculet - avatar
+ 5
Not in C++ but i do in HTML, C# and Ruby. Try seeing my codes.
8th Dec 2018, 8:04 AM
+ 2
So how to master it is by trying it yourself, and learn if you dont understand
9th Dec 2018, 9:38 AM
+ 2
a master is a skilled coder.. I am laughing.. I said coder.. to be an efficient programmer you must make a lot of mistakes.. not breath taking mistakes but those that serves you and your needs.. practice, practice.. ask and answer questions...
10th Dec 2018, 3:19 AM
Otumian Empire
Otumian Empire - avatar
+ 1
Why not?
8th Dec 2018, 7:57 AM
+ 1
Thank you very much tyrant & short code
8th Dec 2018, 8:05 AM
Sm Developer
Sm Developer - avatar
+ 1
Is it available on -allitebooks.in?
8th Dec 2018, 8:10 AM
Sm Developer
Sm Developer - avatar
+ 1
Saad Mughal yes it is,use the search icon on the top right then type in the name of the book. After finding it just scroll to bottom and click download,it will start immediately... Its in pdf form so you'll need a pdf reader app like Adobe Acrobat.
8th Dec 2018, 8:15 AM
Mensch - avatar
+ 1
OK I will learn it
8th Dec 2018, 8:18 AM
Sm Developer
Sm Developer - avatar
+ 1
Что делать если хочешь кодить на телефоне
8th Dec 2018, 9:35 AM
Зарина Пулатова
Зарина Пулатова - avatar
+ 1
Androidus , CARL'S HY ..I partly agree with you but that's just my approach..EveryBody has a different learning style.. I just find all those thousands of examples and projects really helpful...Every thing i learn i experiment with,build projects,,It's what i prefer...
9th Dec 2018, 9:36 AM
Mensch - avatar
+ 1
Hmm... I think experience is better than knowledge...
9th Dec 2018, 9:38 AM
+ 1
I prefer to do youtube tutorials and implement the systems and design patterns I learn there.
9th Dec 2018, 4:11 PM
Dan Blaine
Dan Blaine - avatar
+ 1
Dan I should learn from youtube because I am doing C++ tutorial from YouTube(Newboston) and then revise from solo learn YouTube contain great tutorial
9th Dec 2018, 6:07 PM
Sm Developer
Sm Developer - avatar
Short code can you make any app yet?
8th Dec 2018, 7:59 AM
Sm Developer
Sm Developer - avatar
Nice thinking Androidus
8th Dec 2018, 11:59 AM
Sm Developer
Sm Developer - avatar
Learning from pdf and Books are Little Boring
8th Dec 2018, 12:05 PM
Sm Developer
Sm Developer - avatar
Exactly learning from pdf is boring
8th Dec 2018, 5:23 PM
Carl's HY
Carl's HY - avatar