C program
how do i write a program, the user want a mathmatical operation the what to perform if the user type for Example "m" indicating multiplication then program ask the user to enter a number num1 and num2. after the user entered the number the sum sould be displayed with an appriate display message.
2 odpowiedzi
One way would be to specify the character "m" as the multiplication setting. For instance, here's a piece of the program, using the string class supported in c++ 11:
#include <string> //include this to specify you will be working with the string class
#include <cmath> //include this to support math functions, like multiplying,etc
using namespace std;
int main()
string input=" "; // this specifies the letter, in this case"m" as input
int num1=0,num2=0;
cout<<"Enter m for multplication"<<endl;
if (input=="m") //if the user typed in m, it should then prompt for two numbers to multiply
cout<<"Enter the two numbers to multiply"<<endl;
cout<<"Their products are"<<num1*num2<<endl;