doubt regarding coloums

can any one explain when we have to use : this symbol instead of this ;

20th Apr 2020, 10:11 AM
2 odpowiedzi
+ 3
both r diff symbols. we can't use : instead of : semicolon(;) is use to terminate the line in the code ie why it is called terminator eg for decleration ie int a=10; while colon(:) is use in 1. In switch while writing case 1: case 2: 2. class <class-name> : <scope> <parent-class> 3. In access specifier of class members public: private: protected: 4 In ternary expression <expression> ? <true-block> : <false-block> and many other
20th Apr 2020, 11:52 AM
Ishika - avatar
+ 2
FYI, this character : is called colon, not coloums. And this character ; is called semicolon. There are events when colon is used in code, but in no place it was meant to replace semicolon. * In C++ for-each loop (enhanced for-loop) for(<type> <identifier> : <container>) * In class declaration, inheritance specification class <class-name> : <scope> <parent-class> * In access specifier of class members public: private: protected: * In ternary expression, like a shortand of `if-else` statement. <expression> ? <true-block> : <false-block> P.S. Possibly there are more to it but I just don't know : )
20th Apr 2020, 10:32 AM