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Using functions solve out put should be
Enter a value:3,Enter b value:5,8
7 odpowiedzi
You can't even add two values? Looks like a sum program
Sorry IAM a beginner I don't know
This is what happens when 9year olds do programming 😂
sajid chowdhury there is nothing bad about it ,I wish I started programming at that age ,I would have been a expert in all languages by now lol! But seriously if you can't even add two numbers then I don't think it's the right time to learn programming !
DAGGUBATI SAGAR BABU then start learning any course ,also learn basic maths first ,also don't post questions that you can easily Google ,we can help you given you show your efforts:-)
Abhay oh so how many languages have you mastered so far?
sajid chowdhury I know basics in python ,and some very basic js,