how to add double space in html
4 odpowiedzi
+ 6
Wherever you want to add some spaces, add this :
  (two spaces)
  (four spaces)
+ 5
@Mirjalol: That's for 4 spaces
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NBSP stands for Non Breakable SPace
ENSP and EMSP stands for Espacement required by letter N/M, which are different common used size of spaces ( M is less or more the wider letter, N less or more the average of all ) in typography... ( X is also an average space letter: you meet it with M in css font size relatives units -- 'ex' and 'em' -- which are proportionnals to the font-size -- explicitly set or implicitly inherited -- applied to the element )
Thank's and big up to @Chirag Bhansali for the both last that I doesn't known their existence... that's can be useful, and cruelly missing without :P
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You mean nbsp?