+ 1

Unpopular opinion: The "Play" feature questions are terrible

The game aspect of SoloLearn, where you are given a programming question and you need to type in the right answer, is absolutely terrible. Look, the concept is great, if the questions were actually of good quality. Most of them are stupid, it's mostly just some form of loop that modifies some array or some variables and you need to guess the output, which is usually hard to do in your head especially with the time constraint. Or questions which use functions like Python's zip and map etc. these are all terrible. They're not even programming questions anymore they're just tests on how many numbers can you keep track of in your head in a limited time. I'm honestly glad the Quiz Factory got removed because the questions people sent in were garbage, and not worthy of being called programming exercises.

23rd Jul 2020, 1:30 AM
inxanedev! - avatar
3 odpowiedzi
+ 1
I think the play option is very popular. With the play option you can improve your skill in programming .It helps us to understand the concept of basics .When you lose a challenge you can see the right answer and can understand why the answer happens .By this you can develop your skill.
23rd Jul 2020, 1:46 AM
The future is now thanks to science
The future is now thanks to science - avatar
+ 1
Samsil Arefeen When did I say the feature itself is bad? I said the questions don't actually help with programming and they're worthless questions. They're just numbers being added, multiplied, swapped around etc. and you need to type in what the number is at the end. You could strip out the programming part completely and you're left with a math equation speed challenge.
23rd Jul 2020, 2:05 AM
inxanedev! - avatar
+ 1
inxanedev! this is not only math equation .Some question are programming related which helps to develop the concept of basic. Yes ,you are right. Some question are just like that what is the output of question or fill in the blanks for the output 20 but math is a part of programming and I like math 😀 😀.When you will challenge someone who is greater level than you then the question becomes interesting and hard.
23rd Jul 2020, 2:23 AM
The future is now thanks to science
The future is now thanks to science - avatar