+ 46
[RESOLVED] Problem in notifications
Just before 5 minutes my all notification removed by themselves. There isn't a single notification showing there. As well as the group chats also removed themselves. I have signout and sign in again but it's the same. Is this happening for you all? Check the problem which is occurring here. https://www.dropbox.com/s/x3xv2z4si25b73z/Screenshot_20200724-134439.png?dl=0 So please help me!
69 odpowiedzi
+ 23
Sololearn fixed the issue. Restart your app & test again.
+ 22
Same. Probably an update.
+ 17
This has happened before with past updates but not like this. This is happening to everyone right now.
+ 17
Just cleared the cache. All is going swimmingly.
+ 16
piyush singh
Clear cache, force stop app.
Then try again. If it does not load.
+ 11
This is happening to everyone.
My bell says there are 11 new notifications but when i open it the No new notification text comes up
+ 11
All you guys post the answers and I don't received the notifications too.
+ 10
👑 Shewe Uchi K 👑 my app is updated just before an time.. so that's not be a reason
+ 10
Rik Wittkopp but like why is this happening this thing is first time with me.. is this happened before too?
+ 10
MemeLord Dev is it possible that we can receive the notification after clearing the app data?
+ 10
MemeLord Dev no it's not with all. I talked to some of the users that sector is working for them?
+ 10
MemeLord Dev how's this possible that it's working for some and not for some?
+ 9
Yes it’s fine for me
+ 8
Same here 😟😕🙁
+ 8
piyush singh I am having the same problem but the difference is that i did get the push notifications for this Q&A thread
+ 8
MemeLord Dev push notifications would work fine
+ 8
Thanks to all who helped me.
Now the problem is resolved from my side too. I was being in hurry because all the notification flown away. Thanks to the moderator and coders who helped me in this situation. Now it's totally RESOLVED!
+ 7
piyush singh
I guess it's an update issue. Sololearn's Admin are trying to make things work properly around here.
+ 6
+ 6
I just tried to post the same issue.
Must be an update in progress