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Which function is used to make a sentence move either left or right horizontally

14th Aug 2020, 5:38 AM
Ivan Siisi Tawiah
Ivan Siisi Tawiah - avatar
2 odpowiedzi
Ivan Siisi Tawiah marquee element can be used for that purpose. See this Page: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/marquee Baratov Hojiakbar -> But it is no longer supported in the latest version of HTML i.e. HTML5. So, It is not recommended and is now obsolete. It's support can be removed at any time. Instead, try to use a CSS animation to achieve the same effect.
14th Aug 2020, 6:02 AM
Hanuma Ukkadapu
Hanuma Ukkadapu - avatar
<marquee>Some text </marquee> More information is available at www.w3schools.com
14th Aug 2020, 5:44 AM
Baratov Hojiakbar
Baratov Hojiakbar - avatar