Is string[0] right for giving me the first letter of a string?
I am trying to use bracets after my string variable to get first and last letters but it gives "string index out of range" error. Pls help!
10 odpowiedzi
Your code enters infinite loop, because `run` is always True. To fix that, add the else clause in case of the empty line and move `run=False` there.
I've edited the code of yours in accordance to the review above and added an alternative to compare, cheers!
+ 4
Its.Arpy ,
if you are using variable_name[0], it looks like that your string is empty.
if you still have trouble, it could be helpful to see your code.
+ 1
You can use it as a list consisted of a series of single characters.
first letter a[0]
last letter a[-1]
+ 1
Python supports negative indexes, so in order to get the last char of the string one can call string[-1].
The above, however, might throw an exception if the string is empty. To avoid this one can use one-character slices (the len of the slice is 1).
For the beginning of the string: string[:1], will get the element at 0-th position, if any.
For the end of the string: sting[-1:] will get the last element of the string, if any
+ 1
Thanks a lot John!
So I just tested my code with Pydroid and it works. What I am doing is the code project in python core for files and so on. I have no idea what is wrong with the Sololearn interpreter.
Book Titles, right?
Please, share what you've got so far
file = open("/usercode/files/books.txt", "r")
l = ""
run = True
while run == True:
l = ""
l = file.readline()
if len(l) > 0:
if l[-1]+l[-2] != "\n":
run = False
This is all I got for now, atm it just gives no ouput
Only one assignment to l is needed (file.readline()), others are useless, since they're overwritten by the last one.
You can check whether the string is an empty one with this `if string` (== `if len(string)`.
"\n" is one character, its len is equal to 1, so you only need to check the last character, and change the len to `len(l)-1`. Also, if `l` were "abc", `l[-1]+l[-2]` would give "cb", not "bc".
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