+ 3
Help… what did I do wrong this time?
Hey everyone… I was trying to do one of the assignments for the while loop section. I have tried several ways, and I left it with what I thought was my best attempt. I don’t understand why I am getting an error.
11 odpowiedzi
+ 7
AniZaTo ,
> the condition in the loop header is not correct. since we wanted to print all numbers including 1, it should be:
while number > 0:
> the parameter in the print() function should only be the *variable name*, no quotes in this case:
> general: use *indentation with 4 spaces*, this improves the readability of the code.
+ 4
AniZaTo ,
difficult to guess what your current code is.
> please link the latest version of your code here.
+ 2
1. We ask for user input to be number
2. We create a loop to print and decrease the number until a condition is met
3. We print out the number
4. We decrease the number by 1
number = int(input())
while number >= 0:
# Same as number = number - 1
number -= 1
+ 1
AniZaTo Can you share your attempt or explain the assignement so we can see
+ 1
AniZaTo What is the program supposed to be doing for the assignment?
I tried but I failed miserably. I have to post it on here directly. Sorry, I know I have done it before, but I cannot find the damn file on my Ipad no matter how many times I save it ‘correctly’ I cannot find it under My code Bits when trying to share.
The excercise in question is: Time’s Up!
# take the number as input
number = int(input())
#use a while loop for the countdown
while number > 4:
number = number -1
So the instruction reads:
Create a timer that will take the number of seconds as input, and countdown to 0.
Number + 3
(I switched the print command without quotation marks, but it still yealds no results) NO OUTPUT
number = int(input())
while number>-1
number = number+1
What did you write now?
AniZaTo Replace the input statements with hardcoded values and errors are gone, so i think the problem is that your code ask 2 times for an input, which sololearn (at least mobile version) actually does not support 😅
you must insert all your input values in the input dialog and separate multiple values by a new
so suppose you have this simple code that will sum 2 number a and b
a = input()
b = input()
so you must insert your numbers as following in the input dialog that appears when we first execute our code
so now, sololearn will make 15 as the value of a and 12 as the value of b
Remember this is just a sololearn behavior ☺️