+ 11

There is a wrong question/quiz in Javascript challenges :-(

I do like most of Norayr Gasparyan questions. They are hard enough and don't let you unwind/unfocus. But some of them (newer ones) are not that good. This one can be corrected with one symbol ("<" change to "<=", or "15" change to "16", or change answer "10" to "11") but anyway... how it went through users reviews and came out to a real challenges? :( You can check it yourself here: https://code.sololearn.com/W9cx2S16fHAm/?ref=app Can't put the q. here because of 512 symbols limit, see it in comments

3rd Aug 2017, 12:43 AM
Andrew Harchenko (Tomsk)
Andrew Harchenko (Tomsk) - avatar
16 odpowiedzi
+ 10
Well this should have been before the quiz reviewer. Now we got Sir Keishna he will kill all such mistakes
3rd Aug 2017, 12:18 PM
👑 Prometheus 🇸🇬
👑 Prometheus 🇸🇬 - avatar
+ 9
I can't understand why the easy JavaScript became so hard in challenges ...thanks for the catch
3rd Aug 2017, 4:56 AM
Nomeh Uchenna Gabriel
Nomeh Uchenna Gabriel - avatar
+ 8
Thanks for the warning :) I haven't yet encountered this question in my challenges. Will report immediately, of course, when I see it.
3rd Aug 2017, 5:09 AM
Kuba Siekierzyński
Kuba Siekierzyński - avatar
+ 7
Ah we can't do anything but report question
3rd Aug 2017, 11:33 AM
👑 Prometheus 🇸🇬
👑 Prometheus 🇸🇬 - avatar
+ 6
Choose the numbers that are present in this code's output. for(let i = 0; i < 15; i++) document.write(25 - i + ","); Checkboxes: 7, 10, 13, 27 "Right" answer is 10 and 13 while 10 is not really there in the output... So if you've got that question and see that everything is as I described here, please report it to get it out or get it corrected sooner.
3rd Aug 2017, 12:46 AM
Andrew Harchenko (Tomsk)
Andrew Harchenko (Tomsk) - avatar
+ 4
After the challenge is complete, you can check the correct answers. When you view a particular question, there is a "STOP" sign-like button with an exclamation mark in it (upper part of the screen). When pressed, it allows you to report a question.
3rd Aug 2017, 7:30 AM
Kuba Siekierzyński
Kuba Siekierzyński - avatar
+ 3
@lion Is that question about heap or stack is from Java challenges? I just wonder if there any exceptions when variable of primitive type can be stored not on stack? Or it's just not java? Second: what do you call "snippet" here? And I agree that there some q. that are not covered in courses I also agree that it's useful in that way you described. And what I'd like to add to this is that I think it's more of a problem of courses content (there are a thread with hundreds and hundreds of upvotes and answers abut how users want courses to be more advanced/"deeper"), the best way to solve "problem" with those uncovered questions is to cover them :-) (upgrading courses).
3rd Aug 2017, 11:27 AM
Andrew Harchenko (Tomsk)
Andrew Harchenko (Tomsk) - avatar
+ 3
@lion You think so? :-) Are you sure? I am very sorry, but... Better assure before complaining. Ask a question here in Q/A it's made exactly for such questions. (Purposed). Nowadays I don't remember much about "primitives" in C++, but I think they are always stored on stack. Second question with answer 00000... can you give us question itself? And yes as I have seen in some of the topics/"weapons" there are a question that are not covered by courses. I think no one says the opposite.
3rd Aug 2017, 11:50 AM
Andrew Harchenko (Tomsk)
Andrew Harchenko (Tomsk) - avatar
+ 3
Need to see a question. If it's written right that way, that looks like a wrong answer. But output 00000 possible if there will be just a couple of symbols more... i.e. like this: int a[5]; int *p = a; for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { a[i]=i; cout << *p; } I was posting a screenshot of a question when thought that it might have wrong answer in challenges. At least once I was wrong about question, I was asking about (and what a pity it was right that time when I already reportet that question that time... so ashamed till now ☺) And "classes inside structs"... well, you described it nice yourself: objects - ok, classes - no. :)
3rd Aug 2017, 12:15 PM
Andrew Harchenko (Tomsk)
Andrew Harchenko (Tomsk) - avatar
+ 2
@Sulaiman Musa Sorry, I can't get it (don't understand what you wrote). Can you try to reword your sentence? (As results of challenges show the right answer is 10 and 13, but as I say it's wrong).
3rd Aug 2017, 11:18 AM
Andrew Harchenko (Tomsk)
Andrew Harchenko (Tomsk) - avatar
+ 2
ok, I'm sure only local variables and function parameters are on stack. That didn't give any context to suggest that was the case. The question was incomplete, imo. The fragment of code was something like: int a[5]; int *p = a; for(int i=0; i <5; i++) a[i] = i; cout << *p; Oh, and also there was a question if structs can have classes inside, and the answer was No. Like what did it even mean? You CAN have struct members that are objects of classes, you can't define a class inside a struct, but then again, you can't define them inside other classes either, I don't think that was what it was suppose to mean, no?
3rd Aug 2017, 12:01 PM
lion - avatar
+ 1
@Andrew C++. Global variables are stored on heap, local on stack, I think. But there was no context, it didn't say if it was local or global. Snippet = fragment of code. 00000 may be the same as 0, but the program would display 0, not 00000, and I typed 0 as the answer and it said it was wrong. The one not covered by course - might have been just my memory. The question taught me something I didn't know, and that was ok. It was an example where you had to know: if a base class has overloaded public methods and the derived class overrides one of them, will the others still be inherited?
3rd Aug 2017, 11:44 AM
lion - avatar
+ 1
@Andrew oh man, you are right :( Damn, I'm so stupid :( All my life I used this style: for() { ... } and that's probably why I missed that even when I went back to check :( But you are right, thank you :)
3rd Aug 2017, 12:21 PM
lion - avatar
+ 1
but with class inside struct: the question should have been more clear and ask "can you define a class inside the definition of a struct?", that would have made sure to extract the knowledge from me, because I know where you can define a class and where not. But the way it was asked sounded no different from "can you have an int inside a struct?", or "can you have a string?" - string is a class! To me it's so obvious you can't define a class inside another class or struct that I didn't even think it could meant that. All the reasoning to make out that meaning out of that formulation took more than the time I had to answer it. So yeah, questions shouldn't be asked like cryptic riddles, imo. They should be as clear as possible, like the answer they expect.
3rd Aug 2017, 6:25 PM
lion - avatar
- 2
How do you report questions from challenges? I got one "where is the variable int x=8 stored: heap or stack". With no other context. And the answer was stack :| And there was another where it asked what is the output, the real output was 0, but the answer required to write 00000; really, the snippet wouldn't have displayed 00000, so why would I have put a wrong answer? There was also one that I don't think was covered in the courses, but at least I learned something from it so that one was nice :)
3rd Aug 2017, 6:44 AM
lion - avatar
- 2
for(let i = 0; i < 15; i++); document.write(25 - i + ","); Checkboxes: 7, 10, 13, 27 "Right" answer is 10 and 13 while 15 is not really there in the output... So if you've got that question and see that everything is as I t it to get it out or get it corrected soone, so the Output is 10
3rd Aug 2017, 11:15 AM
Sulaiman Musa
Sulaiman Musa - avatar