+ 1
My code dissapeared
I just had a code of mine dissapear randomly after I checked some of my other codes for like 30 seconds, any idea how I can get it back?
4 odpowiedzi
+ 7
Make sure you see the toast [Saved] when you save your code...[Saving...] is not good enough while [Saved] has been 100% reliable.
Always save (or copy to clipboard) when you visit an alert. Android's memory manager will destroy any background process it needs to satisfy your next requests, and that includes unsaved code in "go back" history.
Rarely (?), a connection problem will cause POSTS (not codes) to submit and then disappear several seconds later.
SoloLearn added a [Try Again] link for these, but I still regularly copy to clipboard.
Getting your code back... unless you're rooted, probably not from your device. You can try emailing or just learn from the experience and write it again :/
+ 2
I had a same problem with a question, just post it again. The servers are laggy sometimes.