+ 3
2048 characters to answer in sololearn . why?
why sololearn gives only 2048 characters to answer a question. i dont mean to say that these are less to explain an answer what i want to know is that , is it because they have assign the answer text the maximum size of 2Mb=2x1024=2048b.
8 odpowiedzi
+ 6
After 200 chars my attention span disappears.
+ 4
It's no problem. Sorry for only reading 200 chars of it. :)
+ 3
I'd call it Wiki instead of answer if it really need that much of characters. Perhaps you may consider to wrap it in HTML and share it via Code Playground.
+ 3
Sorry to say, but that otta be 2KB.
2MB = 2*1024*1024 Characters, and you will bleed your fingers before you can type that much...😂😂😂
+ 2
hey I haven't observed that but thanx for answering my weird question
+ 1
2MB is enough, if you want to write a code as answer, better use playground and paste the link of that code instead of writing everything in an answer.
+ 1
2 Mb not 2 MB
it makes a huge difference of 8 times
and the question is not the limit of words,it is to ask what one info can extract from it
I know to some it might be weird to say "extract"
+ 1
2MB is 2 × 1024KB not byte