+ 8
[Challenge] Words of a language (MIU) : from beginner level to hardcore Ⓜ️ℹ️🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠
One can describe a language following: The only letters of the language are M,I,U The language has following words: 1.) MI is a word (of the language) 2.) If xI is a word , then xIU is a word Example: MI is a word => MIU is a word 3.) If Mx is a word then Mxx is a word Example: MI is a word => MII is a word 4.) If xIIIy is a word then xUy is a word Example: if UMIIIMU is a word then UMUMU is a word Programming challenge: Find 10 random words applying the rules Additional task for mathematicans: IS MU a word of the language? (Play around )
8 odpowiedzi
+ 6
Here is my solution for part 1
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@ahmad ok!
+ 4
right, every word begins with M
+ 2
if xIIII is a word then xUI is a word
example : if MIIIIM is a word then MUIM is a word
+ 1
got evrythinh...
delet all ur posts from here..
i deleted mine
such posts looks messy in challenge thread
+ 1
i assume...
if MI
is a word...
and these 3 are the only rules#
no word can have M in other place except at first####???
+ 1
see what ahmed p0sted$##
is it right??
+ 1
are u here @oma?