+ 5

Not code just irl help

I have to make a public speech in class and I’m so scared. Can someone help me to get through it? It is on December 11th aka next Monday. Thank you

5th Dec 2017, 5:07 PM
Cain - avatar
8 odpowiedzi
+ 6
preparation is the most important thing. if you are prepared you have nothing to worry about.. other than that, you don't want to go last. you want to go about 3rd. if you go early, everyone else is worrying about the same stuff you are and not paying attention to you. if you go last, everyone is already done and relaxed with nothing better to do than watch you. prepare and go early as you can
5th Dec 2017, 5:13 PM
LordHill - avatar
+ 5
As joker mentioned, KNOW your material that you're going to be speaking on. Rehearse it and research as much as you can, know your stuff. If you know the material inside and out, you can more easily speak about it without having to sound like it's scripted. Just talk about it like you're talking to friends on something else you're actually interested in. This helps it flow, adds a human side to your speech, and allows you to better connect with your audience. As well, the audience is more willing to listen when they feel you know what you're talking about. After you got the material side of it down, and you're confident in your own knowledge on the subject, then you'll want to practice your speech. Do it in the mirror, do it for a friend, do it for family, etc... You have plenty of time to practice it some, so when the time comes, you'll be better able to present it. Again, I don't recommend writing a script or writing word-for-word what you're going to say in your speech. However, you'll want to have some form of structure and flow to your speech, and you'll want to utilize some index cards or something soy ou can keep notes. You won't be reading the notes as your speech, but it'll be ques for you to stay on track and help you remember where you're going next. You can make little notes on how you want to present a particular part of your speech, and other such things like your main points, how you'll say it, quotes, etc... You don't want to misquote something that's a direct quote from someone else. Some people say to picture everyone naked. That just makes for an awkward boner situation, so think of palm trees or something like that. lol You do NOT want to stare down at your notes. You want to scan the room and make everyone feel like you're talking to them. A trick I use is to actually look at the top of their head. It helps out with that anxious feeling, but everyone still feels like you're looking them in the eyes even though you're not. Get a good night's rest and nice breakfast in morning.
5th Dec 2017, 5:22 PM
+ 5
@Joker Exactly bro. I just stare at the top of their heads as I scan the room, and as you said, they've no idea that you're not really looking at them in the eyes.
5th Dec 2017, 5:31 PM
+ 4
Just pretend there is nobody listening, you are just practicing it again. And really, that's all you are doing. In your actual speech, you should think of it as nothing other than a big practice. Also, be prepared. This way, you will know what to say and do. Good luck! 🍀
5th Dec 2017, 6:41 PM
+ 3
Write out your speech. Read it several times until you know it well, and then write the main points on note cards. Practice your speech with someone you know who can give you feedback. Besides that, just practice as much as possible before Monday and you'll do fine.
5th Dec 2017, 5:16 PM
bornToCode() - avatar
+ 3
unfocus your eyes. generally speeches take into account eye contact, but eye contact for people like us does not help the situation. I found if I look at people without actually looking at them, it makes it easier and they never know the difference
5th Dec 2017, 5:29 PM
LordHill - avatar
+ 3
Also, something I forgot to mention, don't spend all of your time between now and then worried over the speech. Of course, utilize your time appropriately, but don't stress out and worry over the unknown. This is going to create momentum for your anxiety, and by the time that day comes, you're going to be a nervous wreck. Most importantly, you're going to do your speech and a few minutes later it'll be over, so you spent an entire week stressed out / worried for something that's really nothing at all. Trust me, don't do that to yourself. So you don't feel so alone on this, I dealt with anxiety my whole life, and that stuff was a complete nightmare to me. On top of that, I'm as white as snow, and the anxiety causes my skin to burn / turn red, which only furthered the anxiety. However, the more that you work on this, and the more that you force yourself outside of your comfort zone to do the things you need to in life, the easier it becomes on you and eventually you'll be able to do it with ease. EVERYONE has some level of nervousness prior to doing stuff like this, but you have to squash that inner voice immediately when it's going against you and just take the action. I know it's a lot easier said than done, but I believe in you. You got this. @BornToCode() Exactly my thoughts on it.
5th Dec 2017, 5:30 PM
+ 3
Thank you all I’m still a little nervous but this eases the worry
5th Dec 2017, 8:06 PM
Cain - avatar