help in C++ regarding class and method
hello in the following code I want to add 1. "int Date::dayInYear() const" in order to compute the number of the day within the year in the range 1 to365 . 2. "int Date::operator -(const Date& d2) const"want to compute the difference in days between "this" and "d2" everything is ok except them code: https://code.sololearn.com/cdtxLCHOH02P/#cpp
22 odpowiedzi
+ 1
wow thank you. let me try it out :)
I do but I get nothing but some error, I fed up :|
I didn't say that's my code, that's a very elegant code.
If it makes you feel any better not to help, then just don't!
If it isn't your code, you should comment where it came from. Using published code is fine, by you owe the author credit for their work with a comment stating where it came from.
You won't learn if I write it. If we fix your code, you will understand better. I will help, but wish to see an effort on your part.
it's my teacher's code. he gave to us to work on it. and I do.
at least tell me where should I add my codes?
it seems complicated for me
what do you mean by coming?
I added functions and commented algorithm
how about this code for the first aim?
const int Date::daysPerMonth[]{ 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
void Date::checkDate()
if (year < 1 || month < 1 || month > 12 || day < 1
|| (day > daysPerMonth[month - 1]
&& !(day == 29 && month == 2 && isLeapYear(year))))
day = month = 1;
year = stdYear;
you don't need all of it and can't call it because it doesn't return what you need.
:| I feel stupid.
would you please teach me programming?
Sure. Stop posting here. I'll put a comment on your code and you reply there.
thank you. but which code will you comment on?
it's very kind of you
yes you mean this one: https://code.sololearn.com/cNzdKnqJisYx/?ref=app#cpp
I thought you are going to help me in order to learn to programme.
can we share some contact information, please?
talking on sololearn is really difficult.
I could not find you
can we talk on other easy and fast place/?
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So your asking for us to finish writing your code? Given what you've done, you shouldn't have issues finishing it. If you do, I'd gladly help fix it.
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It isn't in your code you linked. I'd like to help, but need to see your failed attempt.
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I've already put two on yours
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You can't modify my code. We need to start with your version