Dyskusje Q&A
What ever I learned here most of the things are not working in turbo c++ ? i.e . instead of iostrem I have to write iostream. h . why is this so?? also it is not accepting this- using namespace std;
. and also not accepting return 0; . Please help me iam really confused. Thanks :)
0 głosów
5 odpowiedzihonestly, i have never dealt with any prog language before...i'm 22(aged enough to be confused, huh!)...trust me guys, i'm trying to know where exactly should i start to, things seem to be tough and above my head...u can tell me which way u hav passed up to now..i'll appreciate, thanks( if u wanna ask me, welcome)
0 głosów
4 odpowiedziabout svg. Q1: when setting up layout size, height & width, do we need an extra layout for some things different from the first layout. ie two layouts?
Q2: what is the purpose of the size? how does it affect graphics in it?
Q3: how to treat problem of over lapping or/and over ridding?
1 Głos
2 odpowiedziTo bind two things of similar origin but separate identities together as one unit with ability to function independently as long and the unit is not corrupted. How to set x to get y and become z permanently and protect the unit from corrupt or deviation or denying or hiding while z securely functions actively is the purpose.
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