Dyskusje Q&A
can someone help..
what does this code means so it could have the output like on the example..
class SpecialString:
def __init__(self, cont):
self.cont = cont
def __gt__(self, other):
for index in range(len(other.cont)+1):
result = other.cont[:index] + ">" + self.cont
result += ">" + other.cont[index:]
spam = SpecialString("spam")
eggs = SpecialString("eggs")
spam > eggs
1 Głos
6 odpowiedziWrite a static method called weave that that takes two integers as parameters and that returns the result of weaving their digits together to form a single integer. Two numbers x and y are weaved together as follows. The last pair of digits in the result should be the last digit of x followed by the last digit of y. The second-to-the-last pair of digits in the result should be the second-to-the-last digit of x followed by the second-to-the-last digit of y. And so on.
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