+ 41
My 6-years old brother wants to learn programming.
He wants to learn programming and I see that most of the languages are hard for a 6-years old boy what I can do
102 Respostas
+ 42
@Mark, it is nice to know that you care about your little brother, I suggest you to also ask him, (it is him who will be learning) what is he really into, you can tell him things you know, the differences, or the learning curve difficulty. Show him the options, let him decide, and know, the consequences, whichever path he shall choose.
Other than that, as a big brother you're also responsible to remind him to do physical activities once in a while, to keep things in balance, I'm pretty sure you are aware of the effects for being very intimate with gadgets, for bowing your neck down, staring at the screen for hours, some could go far enough to end up getting sick, let alone real life sociability factor, if you do love your brother, please don't forget this.
My best regards to that young man : )
+ 36
how about start from scratch?
+ 25
Let him start with HTML
+ 19
I would think starting with python would be good, I know there is easier coding types. For example scratch and code.org, they are both blockly code websites. But I personally think that the basics of python would be easy, useful, and educational.
+ 16
scratch or microbit simulator
+ 13
@meet yeah you can
+ 13
My oldest son began with Scratch when he was 6. He is 14 now and I can say it helped his analytical thinking skills and his creativity tremendously.
My other son is 7 and we are learning to write mods for Minecraft using Forge devkit and Java.
There is also an API you can use to modify minecraft real-time using Python. Both methods take some work on your end to set up, but are great for younger kids because they can really grasp what is happening when you do things with programs.
As for straight up learning, Blockly is a great language (scratch is similar) because it interfaces into Javascript, so a younger child who might have trouble typing due to being.. well.. young... can get to understand the structure and analysis and then transition into Javascript quite easily when older. There are also websites that do a pretty good job of getting the concepts across in fun ways: hourofcode.org, madewithcode.com etc.
+ 10
Well, he should started with HTML basics. I think your brother is extraordinary . He will catch fast. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
+ 9
start with web basics it is easy for him
let him want thei want to be
+ 7
Start with HTML
+ 7
The same opinion with @Markus .I think it's too soon to learn a programming language.
+ 7
Html maybe , Just don't let him get addicted it's not good for his age
+ 7
@Jan Markus you really think he don't know to use a tablet? My cousin is a 3 years old boy and can use his mother's phone on youtube easly. Now the kids are born with the tablet in their hands. He need logic and intelligence to start. No one know if him will not be the next millionaire.
The funny thing is about my cousin. He don't know to read or write but know how to use youtube(are songs on the first pages)
+ 7
Here is a similar question on SoloLearn. Maybe you will find some useful answers there as well. Cheers and good luck to your brother @Mark
+ 7
Age is not important
+ 6
Block coding first then when he understand about logarithm just move to python
+ 6
I think age is just a number
and if he want to learn then you should help him
+ 6
+ 6
logo language is best language to learn for a 6 year kid.
+ 6
@Mark, my first expose to codes were at age of 14 from school. I was found of the power that I can get the computer to do now imagine how your brother will feel. Exactly, only positive outcomes!
Children at the age of 6 are developing an array of skills from emotional, cognitive to motor; maybe as a big brother you are a big part of his motivation for coding!
The average children at this age begins to learn how to write and how to fit in within a social group, which is a perfect opportunity to teach him math that will contribute to his problem solving), which is a cortical skill in engineering. As for which language to begin, he would have to understand the simple syntax to command. Text edit based language such as the HTML will get him started with how consoles work and introduce him the ways to "communicate" with the computer.
Hope this helps!