4 Respostas
+ 8
That difference isnt language specific... Look into FULL-STACK development
+ 8
Back-end and Front-end are layers of FULL-STACK development. The Client-side (webpage, app, ui) is the front-end and Server-side (database, logins, etc) is the back-end. It may involve different languages and scripts.
+ 6
The key issue for front-end is USER EXPERIENCE. Back-end are through-put (response time) and data integrity. It's very difficult to attain a 'SEAMLESS' integration of all layers.
Planning can help but ultimately it's monitoring and control with adequate communication within the team can make it manaegable 😨
+ 3
Front end - works with the visual of the program. What the clients can see in a program i.e buttons, textboxes, etc.
Back end - works with the server used by the front end of the program. This is where the data were stored i.e user information.