+ 74
How many think that ethical hacking should be introduced as a course in sololearn?
73 Respostas
+ 46
I'm wondering what an "ethical hacking" course would look like. I mean, you can teach someone hacking techniques, but you can't control what he will use his knowledge for. The only difference between ethical/white hat and black hat hacking is if the hacker uses his abilities with good or bad intentions. How do you want to control that?
+ 15
Hacking is a very blurry subject at best. As a good programmer we need to at least understand the different hacking methods so we can attempt to protect our code against such attacks but on the other hand I'd we begin teaching everyone how to hack it will be that much harder to keep our code secure.
Or another thought similar to the encryption logic. If everyone know how to hack maybe we would all write more secure code.
There are many courses not on SoloLearn for a very low price that will teach you more then enough to get started with haking.
As someone working in the IT security department in my company I have many conflicting thoughts on this subject but long story short if we release too many hackers prematurely we have a potential of bringing down the internet completely. We have a hard enough time trying to keep ahead of security breaches I'd hate to have a whole of people to fight against.
+ 13
And I hope sololearn can serve as a better platform for those who really want to learn hacking for a good purpose
+ 9
Thanks all for supporting me..
+ 7
But there's no inherent distinction between ethical and "regular" hacking. The methods are the same
+ 5
But yes I feel that there should be a platform to learn ethical hacking
+ 5
You shouldnt not teach people about hacking basics just because it can be used for bad intensions. Teaching people about it will make them aware about how it works and about how to protect against it. It will make developers more security aware and think twice about their code. If people have bad intentions and want to learn hacking there are plenty of places to do so for free.
+ 5
If you want to learn Ethical Hacking you should play "Capture the Flag" hacking games. A good place to start is Google's Beginner Quest.
+ 5
You can also start with the Cryptography course here on Sololearn.
+ 5
Thanks Victor Oliveros
+ 5
ššAndrea Vinci
+ 5
I think it should be introduced into sololearn because like someone for me, I want to work for the police when I grow up so I need to learn ethical hacking
+ 4
Thanks bob
+ 4
yes it should be cyber security is one of the biggest challenge in information security
check this blog
+ 3
Well the course should be limited to some basics of hacking not the core part
+ 3
Right I actually cannot argue on that topic though
+ 3
Anna ethical hacking is ethical it is considered for protection of information and legal hacking
+ 3
Of course. We need to learn Ethical Hacking right now
+ 2
As a side note I don't believe there is such a thing as an only white hat hacker. Every hacker has a dark past somewhere. Some may just be darker then others.
Ps. Just my few thoughts take them or leave them I care not or if you wish you can add more
+ 2
In Harry Potter they teach Defence Against the Dark Arts by actually teaching the dark arts. Just sayin ;) ^^..