How to ATTACH A LINK TO LIST ELEMENT of Search Bar ( input element , type ="tex" )
Working on product page, To search a product, and when click on it , redirect to product page, I created product list For example- dryFruits = ["raisin" , "nut", "cashews"] Seeds = [ "flax" , "chia seeds" , "pumpkin seed" ] On searching , according to search criteria, the Product will appear according to search initial as in <li> Product Name </li> (below search box,) But how to attach a specific link of "dryfruit page". Or "seed page" if product belong one of them.
4 Respostas
+ 1
<a href="#dryfruits">dryfruits</a>
<a href="#seed">seed</a>
For external pages
<a href="past_dryfruits_page_link">dryfruits</a>
<a href="past_seed_page_link">seed</a>
That's just a anchor to attach a link, ,
I have two pages, SEED and DRYFRUITS,
I have attach a link based on product got clicked
Actually I used
.map method to sort out the element and then attach the <a> element,
Thanks for everyone