+ 130
What new badges would you like to see on Sololearn?
Be specific (describe a particular badge) or general (i.e. more badges for participation) How many xp should the new badge get? Can we get more badges/xp to encourage posting and studying codes? What sort of badges would do that? (see Utkarsh and Dayve post below) Are there any badges that Sololearn should remove? Which badges should they remove and why?
240 Respostas
+ 210
#1. Badge for 500 draws(in challenges).
#2. For Rating 100 submissions( in quiz factory).
#3. A badge for the 1000th post here in Sololearn!
#4. Influencer badge(for 1k followers).
#5. Expert badge(win 1000 challenges using one weapon!).
#6. Win 500 challenges in a day!
#7. Famous badge (for 500 followers).
#8. The Nikolay's Adventure Badge (for reaching lvl.17)
(10000000xp) xD
#9. 100 days Login Streak (100xp)
#10. Helper badge (for people who are the most helpful)(500xp)
#11. A nice friend badge (for inviting 100 friends to SoloLearn)(400xp).
#12. Code/Post of the day badge(100xp).
#13. Feedbacker (for giving a lots of Feedback to the developers) (500xp).
#14. Topper (for being on top everyday in a week) (100xp).
#15. CEO (for posting 100 codes with 5 upvotes each) (1000xp).
#16. Bestie (for having 100 best answers)
#17. Badge for completing 5 courses in a day (100xp).
#18. Attractive question badge (for the question which attracted 100 authentic answers)
Note : Discussion over, please don't upvote this answer anymore :D
+ 100
Competitions are increasing because of these badges. People are not learning now. They are just trying to find and achieve badges easily or quickly. People say "Don't hanker after money".
I would also like to say "Don't hanker after badges". ;P
+ 88
badge for 500 won challenges per day 😃
+ 80
@Nikolay That's a badge only you can get. :<
How about badge for 100 days of login streak? :>
+ 51
Adding to @Dayve's answer, badges for 250, 500 and 100 followers as well
+ 42
A Badge For Activeness On Sololearn.
+ 41
@Leon @Style Added 😎
+ 40
and for those who will reach the lvl17; I propose *THE NIKOLAY NACHEV'S Badge* ^_^
+ 38
A code/post of the day badge for Sololearners whose code(s)/post(s) made it to the home page.
+ 38
@Dayve #6 is for Nikolay personally?
+ 38
Something related to having no of best answers..
Like 100 best answers or so.. :/
+ 33
@Dayve how about a Influence badge where only a sololearner with 1k follower can get it....😁
+ 33
@Hatsy, @luka done!😃
+ 31
Titan Guru Badge for wins 500 challenge in a row with 5000xp
undefeated streak 500 , 1k, 5k
+ 31
@Illusive It's for everyone...but its pretty hard to get!😎
+ 30
I agree with 123 of @Dayve.
4: badge of 1k followers
5:win 1000 Challenge badge
+ 30
There are lots of badges for everything except for codes , we need more badges for that -
1) Professional Badge (1000xp)
- get thousand likes on your code
2)*Something* Badge
- get 500 likes on your code
3)Code Hero (500xp)
- have 5 codes with more than 100 likes
4) Change senior developer from 50 likes to 100 likes (50 is too low most people easily get that)
5) CEO
- have 10 codes with 100 likes each or have 5 codes with 300 likes each
+ 30
Have an update where we can create our own groups and challenge other groups. Introduce badges for group accomplishments. Then, people can learn things as a team and win badges as a team.
+ 29
@Dayve @Jema
I'm agree with you guys. It is best gift to Nikolay from sololearn. A new badge to LVL17 players title as "THE NIKOLAY'S ADVENTURE"
and their is no badges for codes created as @Nikolas begg said.
+ 28
@Nikolay Nachev,
That's only possible for you sir 😊