+ 2

What actually ; does ? Sorry , i am a beginner ..

25th Apr 2017, 4:28 PM
Akash Khamkar
Akash Khamkar - avatar
8 Respostas
+ 14
It means end of statement; this is a statement; here begins another statement;
25th Apr 2017, 6:00 PM
Wisdom Abioye
Wisdom Abioye - avatar
+ 6
it's called semicolon and it's work is to give computer to terminate the statement as it doesn't understand the gaps including space-bar, enter, tab space.
25th Apr 2017, 5:46 PM
Apurva Pragya
Apurva Pragya - avatar
+ 2
it defines the end of a statement, meaning, that's the end of your line/statement
25th Apr 2017, 4:30 PM
Welliton Malta
Welliton Malta - avatar
+ 2
its indicates that statements is end. int a=10; float b =2.0; here after ; the int a=10 this line is end and next line is start
25th Apr 2017, 4:34 PM
Mayur Chaudhari
Mayur Chaudhari - avatar
+ 1
end of line
25th Apr 2017, 4:37 PM
Vishal Prajapati
+ 1
Ends your line of code
25th Apr 2017, 4:38 PM
Jacob Wright
+ 1
thank u guys for support.
25th Apr 2017, 4:42 PM
Akash Khamkar
Akash Khamkar - avatar
make you complier complain if you forget it
25th Apr 2017, 4:34 PM
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