+ 63
The Coder of the SoloLearn. {Votes required}
I would like to get some names and upvote them on your decision... Look at their level, XP, badges and more... Please put on a 👍for my question if it's a good discussion.. If you not agree please vote your best and hope... Who is the Code Playground King?
89 ответов
+ 44
Agus Mei and Nicolay Nachev. Agus for chatting and Nicolay for undefeated challenging. And since Serena came there is no one better in Java
+ 44
Hatsy Rei, Ace
+ 37
@Nicolay Sir Silently Genius
@Krishna Sir Wisely Genius
@Hatsy Genius out of the box
@Ram Friendly Genius
@Ace Genius Engineer
@Tashi calmly genius
- all platinum member (see global all time -leaderboard)
- all moderator
- all valuable member who actively help other
(i can't mention all here)
+ 36
+ 33
ValentinHacker, Ahri Fox, Ace, SoraKatadzuma.
+ 33
Krishna Teja,
Caleb Jore,
~Immanuel (lol kidding)
+ 32
Nikolay Nachev, Burey
+ 30
2nd Likestorm season?
+ 29
ValentinHacker & Hatsy Rei 😊
+ 29
Washika, Burey, Valentinhacker, TheOtherOne, Hatsy Rei, Tashi, Krishna, Nikolay, Agus Mei, Frost, Giorgi, Ram Chandra Giri, Chirag, Ace and many many others
What do you think about myself?
+ 29
@Cole it is about Likestorms
+ 28
Krishna Teja Yeluripati & Ram Chandra Giri :- Most informative codes
Nikolay Nachev:- Maze designer
Chirag Bhansali :- Navigation Creator
+ 27
ValentinHacker, Hatsy Rei.
+ 26
......It goes on.
+ 26
@Cole Likestorms aren't bad. But if socialising means "posting useless ads or threads like "Hi. djfjejdjrj" than that's not good.
+ 22
we are having so many polls lately
this calls for a poll generator code xD
+ 20
agus mai
valentin hacker
nikolay sir
aheri fox
harshit gupta
hasty rei
i am self also
Mayur Chaudhari
+ 20
Nikolay is the best programmer I have seen.
And Agus Mei is the best teacher I have seen.
And There is about 20-30 best contributors. These are the best SoloLearners.
+ 20
Ace, Gami, Hatsy Rei, Tashi, Elisabeth, Ahri Fox, Igor M, Agus, Luka, Valentin Hacker, Ram Chandra, Washika, Nikolay, Filip, Krishna Teja Yeluripati, Frost, Giorgi, Washika. All fantastic.
+ 19
@Cyrus You are very confused! I'd suggest you to please keep only one avatar as yours and don't change it again and again...it does not depends on the likes of luka or me or Ahri...what you like is best for you.
@Joe Enough of me! Now yours:
Joe - A person with 184 codes... and 200+ posts...He should be on the top of coders list...he inspires me a lot to write codes! Thanks Joe.