How to learn c++ easily
4 ответов
+ 3
Be passionate, be persistant, and don't rush anything. Take your time and understand basic concepts as you go along rather than jumping in to the deep end.
As for education, this app is a fairy good start for the basics. Although it doesn't cover absolutely all the basics. There are many free tutorials on the web, and even videos. I recommend thenewboston on Youtube, easily only of the best teachers on Youtube when it comes to learning a new language.
Good luck :)
+ 1
start right here
+ 1
@Temidire Adesiji
wow xD
People don't always know where to go when it comes to learning a new programming language. Sometimes it isn't as simple as just Youtube'ing it.
This app is great because it allows you to practice via the play mode, and due to time constraints, can really help speed up your mental ability and spot certain aspectd in code a lot easier, which would otherwise catch you out.
The Q&A forums I feel are also great here. Very beginner-friendly forums for people too intimidated to ask something on Stack Overflow, for example.
The built-in compiler isn't too bad either, allowing us to write out and test quick snippets of code without needed a propper IDE such as on a PC.
Above all else, it teaches you the very basics of a lot of popular languages, in detailed explainations with pictures and examples included, which is really helpful.
I hope SoloLearn goes a lot further than it currently is, and that other people see the potential in these apps and give them a try. Maybe additional courses, or additonal modules to courses😏