Named arguments
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3 ответовIs there a color named "deep"?
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23 ответовWhat is a named parameter
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8 ответовWhy is HTML5 named HTML5?
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6 ответовWhy Java named Java?
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2 ответовNo module named Tkinter Error
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5 ответовDefine a new font named "test".
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4 ответовWhy is the language 'c++' named so??
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16 ответовWhy is SOLOLEARN named so?
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2 ответовWhy the c++ named like this??
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6 ответовNon-capturing group vs named group
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3 ответовNo module named fibo: how to make?
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7 ответовwhy c is named c only.
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2 ответовHow 'Java' was named and symbolised?
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1 ответWhy C++ was named 'C++' not '++C'??
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4 ответовWhy c was named as c ?
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3 ответовDeclare an array of 12 named darr
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