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Searching Q&A - no AND?
7 Stimmen
5 Antworten? : are called Ternary Operators.
var = booleanExp ? ValueIfTrue : ValueIfFalse;
and that ? literally means "Asking a Question" Asking if the Boolean Expression is True.
If the Boolean Expression returned true, the Value for "True" will be assigned to the variable.
If the Boolean Expression returned false, the Value for "False" will be the one that'll be assigned to the variable instead.
I'm not asking a question, I just wanna share this to you guys 😁
18 Stimmen
6 AntwortenWhy it's true?
1 Stimme
2 Antworten“not False” is still ”False”?!
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1 AntwortI cant understand this Output
1 Stimme
3 Stimmen
1 Antwortjavascript false?
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5 AntwortenПривет рускоговорящие, HELP
1 Stimme
2 Antworten‘Boolean Not is equal to !=‘?
1 Stimme
3 AntwortenHow does one use Boolean?
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2 AntwortenPlease explain this
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4 AntwortenAlternative use of % in Python:
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2 AntwortenWhy sometimes print 0
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2 AntwortenArrays
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2 AntwortenUsing 'and' vs a range?
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2 AntwortenHeute heiß
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