Q&A Discussions
CSS The text-indent property I do not understand why you would use this when the </br> tag takes the text back to the left hand side of the page, and as soon as I start a new class the first line of text in a paragraph even with a class it imprints onto every other paragraph like it or not. Why is this please?
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2 AnswersHello guys right now I am kinda of new in python
my question is related to the function call len()
len() its print out the character but here it's the confusing part, I am working with a list let me explain an example
['lee', 'bob', 'moe', 'joe']
why it's giving me 4 item in the list I thought len it counts the characters and if I do this it give me the correct somewhat answer what I am seeking,
len(players [-1])
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