Sesiones de PyR
not becoming link
0 Votos
1 RespuestaI'm trying to calculate the decimal places of pi with Ramanujan's formula. but with this code I'm getting the same output for all values of n, which it shouldn't.
from math import sqrt, factorial as f
while n<=100000:
print('%.60f' % y)
where am I doing wrong?
2 Votos
4 Respuestascan anyone plz explain me this program step by step?#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class MyClass {
int var;
MyClass() { }
MyClass(int a)
: var(a) { }
MyClass operator+(MyClass &obj) {
MyClass res;
res.var= this->var+obj.var;
return res;
int main() {
MyClass obj1(12), obj2(55);
MyClass res = obj1+obj2;
cout << res.var;
}I am not getting the part inside operator+
0 Votos
8 RespuestasEn tendencia hoy
Someone can help me
2 Votes
What's wrong with this?
2 Votes
X velocity
0 Votes
HTML community, HELP!!
2 Votes
Files not linking in C++
0 Votes
I am a super beginner
0 Votes
Web Dev
0 Votes
How this program executes?
0 Votes