Discussions Q&R
Device management
4 Votes
1 RéponseHands-on Lab C#
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1 Réponsegetting error when try to use this code
System.out.printf("my name is %s","Roy");
it's showing like: exception in thread"main" Java.lang.Error: unresolved compilation problem:
the method printf(String,Object[ ]) in the type printstream is not applicable for the arguments (String,int)at tutorial 19.App.main(App.java:11)
0 Vote
3 RéponsesPython image library
2 Votes
2 Réponseshow can i put a program in an application ? i wrote a program with eclipse ( a calculator ) what can i do with it now ? maybe put it in an application but how ?
and is in this app (sololearn) declared how to program interactive fields ? like for calculator a field for + - * / and = ? is there any tutorial for that ?
2 Votes
5 RéponsesGive up? c++ (classes)
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2 RéponsesAujourd'hui en vedette
Best Python Calculator Code
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New code
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Clean Code
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Hello Everyone
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How would you solve the part of the C# Intermediate code project that requires operator overloading?
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