cancel subscription
10 голосов
51 ответCancel SoloLearn Pro
1 голос
2 ответовPrompt CANCEL Function?
1 голос
2 ответовHow can i cancel my pro subscription
-2 голосов
17 ответовHow to cancel the Pro subscription?
3 голосов
4 ответовCan i cancel a challenge?
2 голосов
3 ответовStopping dialogue prompts with cancel
4 голосов
1 ответHow can I cancel a challenge?
0 голосов
2 ответовSubscription by mistake
0 голосов
1 ответExpiring challenge
1 голос
1 ответI have a project in school and i want to add some login functions. know im planning to make an external js and there i will get the input of the user.In the login button i will put there the username input but how do i cancel the funtion if the users input is null and where should i put these method
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